Thursday, December 10, 2009

Light Of My Curiosity

Well My first impression upon reading Lolita was that it was an immensely enjoy able read, and it really gave me an insight into the type of man that Nabokov was through his identity as a writer, but all the while I couldn't help but feel as though I was missing something, and I think that feeling was more telling than I had thought. I walked into class after the first reading of Lolita, and I had a child like excitement to share my discoveries with the class as if we were 2nd grade all over again and it was show-and-tell time...Well I wasn't the only one who had things to show and tell, Dr. Sexson then brought up the Jared's blog in which revealed his discoveries of us as characters in the story that will never cease to exists, thane the class bobbed and weaved though all of one another discoveries and questions, it felt like we all were gaining substantial ground, but at the same time I felt as though the rug was being pulled out from underneath me. Normally this kind of feeling would make me uncomfortable and give me the feeling that can only be described as unpleasant, but alas these feeling were unfamiliar to me, and I actually enjoyed them. It was the feeling of trekking out into unknown territory(and good god that doesn't even hold a candle to reading Nabokov) while at the same time knowing that what you'll discover there will change, push, stretch, and delight you...I'm very excited for where V.D. is leading us, and this is only the beginning.

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